Friday, August 1, 2014

Cadbury Sweet Endings

Who could have thought that ending a month would be as sweet as this: celebrating a good movie with good friends and delighting ourselves with a great chocolate! J Thank you so much, Cadbury Dairy Milk and Nuffnang PH for making last night’s event a sweet and memorable one!

Well, on top of the free movie passes and boxes of chocolates, I really like how they shared some interesting information on how to eat and enjoy chocolate the right way. Let me also share it to you, my dearest readers. J

How to Enjoy Sweet Endings with Cadbury Dairy Milk
Eat Chocolate the Right Way

Have you been eating chocolate the wrong way your whole life?

If you’re a) Not Sure or b) Think You Have Been Doing it Wrong - then it’s time to change all that. Cadbury Dairy Milk, the smooth and creamy chocolate that gives you sweet endings helps you eat chocolate the right way. Sweet endings for Cadbury Dairy Milk mean savoring the good things in life, including a bar of this smooth and creamy chocolate – in the right way!

There are many things in life which give us sweet endings. It could be taking a moment from a busy day during lunch. Or kicking back at home on a Friday night after a grueling workweek. It could also be hanging out and laughing with your friends while on a night out – just to catch up and enjoy being in each other’s company.

Everything else in life is rushed: Deadlines, meetings, schedules. Sweet endings are your breaks from all of these. A time for you to enjoy and savor.

Cadbury Dairy Milk knows all about sweet endings. As a smooth and creamy chocolate bar, its taste alone is a sweet ending – something you savor and enjoy every moment of. The smooth and creamy taste is a perfect sweet ending for any meal, nightcap or gimik"" with friends. Enjoying a bar of a smoothly satisfying 15g pack is akin to living in the moment – taking the time to savor every bite.

In fact, enjoying a Cadbury Dairy Milk bar is not something you rush into. You take your time for it. There’s a ritual that makes the experience much more enjoyable.

1.    RIP the exquisite royal purple and gold packaging. See the perfectly shaped mounds of chocolate with a smooth satin shine. The look of delicious chocolate. Smell the aroma. Imagine what it would taste like –and you know it will be good too.

2.    Then you BITE into it. Listen for that satisfying snap.

3.    Here comes the most awaited part: You savor it and let it MMM-Melt. Don’t ruin the experience by chewing and swallowing immediately. Let it roll over your tongue. Delight as the creamy taste washes over your mouth.

4.    Then you ENJOY by repeating the ritual: Bite and MMM-Melt, Bite and MMM-Melt. Until the world MMM-Melts around you and you remember that all good things in life must really be savored.

When you do this, the chocolate moment becomes yours and yours alone – it’s your sweet ending.

As if a delicious bar of chocolate isn't enough for a sweet ending, Cadbury Dairy Milk also gives you and your friends a chance to enjoy many more sweet endings. The brand has exciting tie-ups with McDonald’s, Bon Chon Chicken and KFC so that you not only get to enjoy a delicious meal. It’s also capped off with smooth and creamy Cadbury Dairy Milk. Perhaps a Dairy Queen Blizzard with Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut will also strike your fancy?

You can also join the #CadburySweetEndings Promo. This is open to followers of Cadbury Dairy Milk Philippines on Facebook and Instagram and runs from July 28, 2014 to September 21, 2014. Just upload a photo of yourself and your barkada inspired by the bi-weekly themes provided on the brand Facebook page.  

Upload it either on Facebook, and/or Instagram with the hashtag #CadburySweetEndings.  If your photo is uploaded, call on your friends to like and share it. Winning photos will be chosen based on creativity, originality and likes. By joining, you get a chance to win movie passes for you and your friend, Cadbury Dairy Milk gift packs for sharing, and an iPad mini for each bi-weekly winner.

For details on this and other offerings, visit the Cadbury Dairy Milk Philippines Facebook Page (CadburyPh) and Instagram (@cadburyPHL).  Enjoy eating smooth and creamy chocolate and sweet endings with Cadbury Dairy Milk!